Better Late than Never
Better late than never... This morning as I was coming in to school for the second time (the first time was at 7:30am to prep my classroom for my students before going to observe my mentee across town) as I walked in just a few minutes after the tardy bell I saw a student hurrying in to class and with an guilty smile on his face and a fresh Starbucks in hand said "Good Morning Mrs. Bartmier, I am little late." I had a couple of options for my response: Option 1) "Really? I hadn't noticed! Hope that Starbucks is good because another tardy on your attendance is a downward spiral that leads straight to detention." Option 2) "Well better late than never, lets get to work." Not sure which response is politically correct according to the Danielson frameworks but I went with option 2. When I started this blog I had every intention of posting at least monthly and yet here is it a year after my last post and a fresh no bake cookie in hand... Better late...