May's Favorites

I know everyone is blogging about Mother's Day and I probably should... After all I am a mother, I had a great Mom, and I have a great mother in law. But to be honest I am not ready to write about my thoughts and emotions about Mother's Day... Its a bitter sweet day so I'll write about that on a day I am less emotional about it. Instead I'd rather just talk about some fun things to let you in to my life a little more...

You might have notice I added a couple of new section to the right of the screen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I added my favs for the month of May and an original wallpaper design based on my monthly favorites I designed just for my readers!! Please feel free save it and use it on your device!!

Enjoy all the fresh looks!

My 6 May Favs:

1 Food: Grapefruit - So yummy, good for you, and I am in love with the color palette! haha Yes I like to eat things that are pretty.  Not only is it pretty but its high in Vitamin C, gives you energy (girl you know this Momma needs all that she can get!!), is low calorie and actually claims to suppress your appetite naturally so for all you looking to shrink some fluff like me (it would be nice if my fluff would shrink, then I could eat a muffin top instead of looking like one!) this is a great fruit to be eating!! You can find more health benefits here but remember its just educational not proven medical!!

2. Drink: Mango Me Crazy White Tea - I have been trying to cut back on the gallon of black coffee I consume in the morning so I have been trying out various Green and White Tea's. This one is great for summer! Its slightly sweet, a little tropical, and very light! Enjoy!
I buy>>>>

3. Home Decor: All Things Floral - The older I get the more I fall in love with all things floral, feminine, and well just pretty! Completely opposite of the tomboy days of my childhood!! For my spring/early summer decor I picked up some "fresh cut" looking pink peonies and forsythia for my table, front door grapevine wreath, and living room mantel. I added some pretty floral cotton fabric trimmed in lace as well as a grapevine banner woven with various floral cotton to finish off my decor.

4. Nature: Sunshine - What is there to explain?? I am a sunshine loving girl!! I love just setting out in is soaking up its yummy warm rays all summer... I think I am like a little chipmunk (mostly I see myself as one of these little creatures because they have chubby cheeks just like me!) but instead of storing up food for winter, I soak up sun rays for rainy, foggy, cloudy, and dreary days!

5. Music: Love and the Outcome - I was able to attend one of their concerts with my fantastic, never a dull moment, friend Laura at John Brown University a few weeks ago and I fell in love with the message behind their songs! My favorite right now is The Story Your Building in Me. Check out the official YouTube (official audio) here>>>

6.Scripture:  Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. - As another year of teaching is nearly posted to my retirement fund... ugh I mean is sadly ending... my husband and I are about to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary ( I know, I know I just look too young to have been married that long... we married when we were 13... so that only makes me 24! hahaha oh my I haven't seen 24 in 9 years! How did I get so old??), and I enroll my 3rd sweet baby into Kindergarten my thoughts can't help but gravitate towards ways to make each day count!! Something interesting about this particular scripture is that we must be "taught" to number our days. Of my own choosing I would prefer to ignore the fact that I am not made to live on this earth forever, that with each second I am getting older, and that there is nothing I can do to actually slow down this process. If I want to not just logically consider that I only have so many days to live but instead live each day with the brevity of life at the very core of the way I make decisions, I must be taught. There is no one able to teach us this mind set other than the God that created time, that set this earth in motion, that knows the true crisis of our very eternity. I encourage you friend, don't just settle on making the most of today... Beg and plead with God to teach you to consider the very breath you're taking now as your que to seek His will for your decisions today! What is the results of this brevity of life thinking?? Wisdom!! Oh, how my life would be so different if I would make my every decision based on a heart that is wise! However, we can not change yesterday, learn from it, then turn full faced into your eternity... considering each step. That with each wise decision you make great or small, God would be magnified to others through you! For example I am totally impressed by women that have organized closets!! It probably feels like a small choice to keep it organized but to me WOW!!

Until next week... Number your days... Gain a heart of Wisdom... and Keep on Mom because no one else is meant to do what you do!!



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