Learn to make pie!
What is the secret to staying together? If you have been married for a couple years I am sure you have had this question posed to you. As a high school teacher I was asked this all the time, with the state of marriage in 2018 teenagers find marriages that last more than 10 years to be quite a mystery! While this makes me sad I love that they ask! So I have a lot of different things I like to talk to them about... Know who Christ is and marry someone that also knows, if someday you cannot find a single thing to agree on you can agree on Christ! Look at how the one you are wanting to marry treats his/her opposite sex parent... are you ok with it? Because that is exactly how they will treat you someday. Love is a daily choice, not an emotion that comes and goes. LOVE IS A CHOICE! Don't just marry the one you love, love the one you marry. If you are a very selfish person don't get married. (harsh I know but true) Those are just a few examples of things we disc...